Trudeau expands on the wage subsidy, with warning of serious consequences if abused – March 30, 2020

From today’s daily COVID-19 press conference in Ottawa

Everyone, again, is being asked to stay at home as much as possible. This action, alone, has caused many businesses to have to shut down. So a three-point plan has been developed to help businesses and to help people receive a salary. The 75% wage subsidy for qualifying businesses will help this happen. The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy is available to businesses who can show that their income has decreased by 30%. It will apply to non-profit companies and charities, and businesses both big and small. It will be backdated to March 15th. The maximum support amount per employee is $847 per week.

“We are trusting you to do the right thing, if you have the means to pay the remaining 25% to cover the subsidy, do so,” said Trudeau, adding, if you are thinking of taking advantage of this to your own personal gain, don’t. Every dollar of this should go to workers, to keep employees on the payroll, to hire back those who have been laid off.  There will be serious consequences if you do this. We are all in the same boat.

The federal government has not yet received a provincial request for military aid. If asked, the military is ready to respond. More to come on this later today.

How we get through tomorrow depends on what actions you do today. Wash your hands often, stay at home, and if you do go out stay at least two metres away from other people.

“If we need to do more, we will do more.”

From the Q&A

When asked about a timeline for when these funds will be made available, the response was “as soon as possible.” Please do note that payments will be backdated to March 15 and businesses do have access to credit.

The payroll subsidy is not a program that can be easily exploited. When the priority is to get support to as many people as required, speed is of the essence. This means trust is required. There will be severe consequences for anyone who tries to unfairly take advantage of the crisis to put money in their own pockets. Right now, support is focussed on payroll (not rent).

The carbon-tax will continue, as it is designed to put more money into the pockets of Canadians while continuing the fight against climate change. Regarding the scheduled payroll increases to parliamentarians, this will probably be considered in the days to come by the elected officials. A raise for all MPs is scheduled for April 1.

Massive screening is important to come through this, and everyday the capacity is increasing.

Some industries will be harder hit than others, including tourism and travel. More solutions are being pursued for those businesses.

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